Who Do You Trust?

It seems that moving forward in life whether to a specific goal or just a better place to be is like taking a few steps forward and then getting pushed back. The pushbacks are especially hard to take when they are out of your control.           

That particular day a trusted friend that I thought would never betray me, did. I remember feeling stricken and burnt to the bone.

That night I had a vague dream about a castle and a dragon. Sometimes the dragon seemed to be a friend, and sometimes he didn’t.

The next morning, I sat down and scribbled out the lyrics to a song that I called Black Castles.


These days, with all the scams and schemes of less-than-honorable people trying to take advantage of whoever, it’s easy to get taken, and the first thing that pops into your mind is Revenge with a capital R, but revenge hurts the revenger more than the revenged. If there’s something you can do to change the situation, you do it. If not, you have to accept it.

To me, the most difficult thing in life is figuring out who to trust. Trust the wrong people and you get burned. But the right people can lift you higher, take you flying. Your faith in humanity grows as well as faith in yourself. Those people are precious.



All of this is what the song Black Castles is about. Trying to reach that castle-in-the-sky dream when, at any moment, the dragon may appear. Will he burn you with his fire to take you down, or lend you his back to fly you high? The question of which one is always present, but you keep on because the dream is who you are, and your eye is on the castle in the sky.

Can you reach the castle gate, face the dragon, face your fate?

Maybe you’ll reach it, maybe you won’t, but what matters is the quest. The quest is everything.


   Black Castle Lyrics:

Black Castles tower so high,

A lonely dream on a midnight sky.

Can you reach the castle gate

Face the dragon, face your fate?



Enter the dragon’s lair

Step lightly, beware

He says he is your friend

Travel his land to what end?



Oh, the dragon breathes his fire                                    

Will he take you out, or take you higher,                      

Fly you to the light,                   

Or burn you in the night?                            



Girl, you build your dreams so high                                 

Black Castles on a midnight sky.

How can you reach the prize, 

Afraid to look in the dragon’s eyes?



Oh, the dragon breathes his fire                                    

Will he take you out, or take you higher,                      

Fly you to the light,                   

Or burn you in the night?                            



Black Castles tower so high,

A lonely dream on a midnight sky.

Rise above on wings of truth

Fly high into the clear blue.


Rise above and fly, fly.


                                                                 Check out the song on the JoDan Music page here.

Thanks for Reading. Signup for the blog for a free song download.       Jo Wilburn / JoDan Music

Credits: All three images A.I. generated and then modified by me in Affinity Photo

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